Friday, May 6, 2011

Proverbs 31: The Good Wife

Provers 31 from the MIV (Mathew International Version)
starting in verse 10:
"An amazing wife I have found and she is worth more than all the money in the world!  I have complete and utter confidence in her and I lack nothing that really matter in this life.  She is always looking out for my good.  She is more of a cotton blend kinda gal more than wool and once did try to bring flax into our family diet (but that didn't go over very well) but her hands are eager to work.  She may not bring the food from afar (Giant is just down the road) but she faithfully does bring food home and is often up well into darkness to keep our home well fed.  She hasn't bought any fields lately, that I am aware of, but does set to her work vigorously and she has mad skills to do her work well!  The work she does keeps the electric bill paid so our lights don't go out at night.  We don't have a distaff or spindle, but if we did she would be all over that.  Her heart for the poor and needy is amazing and an example to our whole family.  When it snows she has no fear as we have plenty of winter wear...being from Wisconsin and all (she is also the first to grab a shovel and get to work).  She is a snappy dresser and wears purple now and again.  Mostly her husband is respected, but it is because she makes him look better than he is. She is strong and full of grace and laughs often at the days to come with her household policies of "live today...not tomorrow" and "we don't play the 'what if' game".  Her wisdom is beyond her years and she faithfully teaches our children the way to live and give honor to their creator.  She is the master of the household schedule (no small feat in the McCabe household) and their ain't no grass growing under her feet.  Her children adore her and her husband thinks she is the bees knees.  There are a lot of great women out there....but none hold a candle to the bestest wife in the whole wide world"

Mathew M


  1. It just doesn't get much better than this - brilliant, hilarious, and heartfelt. I was cheering all the way through it!
    ...So, when are you releasing more of the MIV translation? This stuff is gold!

  2. Love it! That Proverbs 31 woman as always scared me a little; she's just so perfect! The "MIT" version helps me realize that there are Proverbs 31 women all around me keeping it real all the time. :)

  3. What a treat to read Mr. McCabe. And you're so right about her making you look good. After all, that's why we hire you, man. Only way we coudl see to get Gina here.

  4. Absolutely love this!!

  5. As Taylor said it, this woman of Proverbs has always intimidated me. As I re-read it in the MIT version and added to it the RIT (Reuben International Version) of Songs of Songs, I find the fears dissipating. What a privilege to have as shepherds all of you brave, passionate, funny, respected and creative people! Created in His image, indeed you all are! Love it!
