Saturday, October 1, 2011

Revelation 21 – An End and a Beginning

180 days.  180 chapters.  One life-changing story.

One that will turn your life around.

Well, gang—we’ve made it.  And what a journey it's been.

Do any one thing for 180 days and it’s bound to change you.  When that one thing is pouring over God’s Words—all the more so.

And so I am curious, What turns has your life taken by sharing this discipline?  What have you learned?  How has this experience changed your own story?

If ever there was a time to join the conversation, this is it.  I’d love to hear your stories!

Reuben Smith

Friday, September 30, 2011

Revelation 12 - Another Side of History

A seven headed 10 horned dragon waiting for a woman to give birth so he can devour the child.  Child snatched up and brought to heaven and women flees into the wilderness so she can be taken care of for 1,260 days.  Not 1,259...but 1,260.  This John guy sure knows how to dream.  I read some interesting idea's about the interpretation of the imagery in this chapter, one of which drew some parallels to the Christmas story.  We could discuss for a long time what this picture represents, but might not be the best use of our time.

For me, the whole chapter (and really our whole reading program) can hinge on one small (yet huge) phrase in verse 11of this chapter.

"They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony"

Read it again.  No it again:

"They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony"

Interpret the imagery how you like...but at the end of the day


Makes me think of a do most things.  Enjoy!

Mathew McCabe

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Revelation 1: The Final Word

Can you imagine this chapter in the hands of some special effects guru in Hollywood? Some of the scenes described here would strain the imaginations (and the budgets) of even the best and brightest that tinsel town could come up with.

As far as last words go, hard to top verse 5 & 6:

“To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father – to him be the glory and power for ever and ever!”

Slow down and take a moment to reflect on these words. As you do so, pay attention to what is happening inside of you:
  • How are you experiencing Gods love?
  • Are you feeling freedom from your sins?
  • Do you feel stirrings of wonder or gratitude?
  • Do you sense your smallness and God’s greatness?
Whatever you are thinking or feeling right now, take a moment, stop and talk with God about it. And please, do not miss the opportunity to say thank you for all that you have been given.

Ken Jackson

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

2 & 3 John – Pesky Deceivers

“Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.” -3 John 1:11

In these short twenty-seven verses we find that there are those that are walking in truth and those that are being deceptive. And how do we tell them apart? Those that imitate what is good (walk in truth, obey God’s commands, and love) are from God. Those who do what is evil have not seen Him.

So Gaius not only knew the truth, but he lived what he believed. How about us? Will we be faithful to the truth? Will our actions and words match up regardless of whom we’re around? Will we commit to representing Christ well?

So two things are clear: know truth and walk in love.

-Gina G.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

1 John 3 - Merest Christianity

Verse 18, "Let us not love with speech but with ACTION."

When I was a child my favorite ACTION figure was He-Man. Everyday I would pull as many of my He-Man ACTION figures out play as long as I could with them before bedtime.

There is a reason they call those toys ACTION figures, because they know children will put these toys in motion. The makers of these ACTION toys know that children will not let these toys just sit around while they play with them. The children will put them in ACTION.

Dear brothers and sisters we have to put our faith to ACTION. We have to show this world that we belong to Christ by the way we live, and not just by what we say. Talk is cheap. Let's represent Christ with ACTION everywhere we go.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, September 26, 2011

Jude: Sounding the Alarm

Jude is one of those short books at the end of the Bible that we hardly ever read.  It was written by Jude, a brother of Jesus.  He begins with “I wanted to write about this encouraging thing but feel I have to write about this other thing instead.”  The “other thing” that demands his attention?  Spiritual leaders who were doing more harm than good.  Let’s think about that.

Spiritual leaders are like anyone else – some good, some mediocre, some bad.  In fact, some are morally bankrupt.  These leaders are (to paraphrase) warts on the church who “feed only themselves.”  We recognize these guys, don’t we?  Every year or two one of them makes the latest news cycle, caught with his pants down or his hand in the offering basket.

Not every spiritual leader is a good guy, which is why you need to know the lives of the leaders who are your primary source of spiritual direction and sustenance.   You need to know your leader well enough, see him or her up close enough, to have some sense of his life, her character, his lifestyle – the car he drives, the house he lives in, the places he frequents for dinner – the way he treats volunteers and coworkers – the way he treats his wife.  Is he the real deal or is he in it for what he can get?  You need to know this because it directly impacts the kind of influence he will have on your life.  Will he be a healthy influence or a damaging one?

Don’t misunderstand.  There are wonderful leaders and teachers available to us through books, television, the internet who we can’t possibly know in any real way.  I’m not suggesting we not learn from them.  I’m reading a great book right now by Tim Keller and listen often to podcasts by Andy Stanley.  Technology is great, but you need to know the heart, the life of the person who is making the deepest spiritual impact on your life.  You can’t afford not to.

So what was Jude going to write about that “encouraging thing” – about “the salvation we share”?  We may never know, but don’t miss the jewel at the end of this book.  The last two verses are poetry, literally – a song of worship sung by the early church.  Read it.  Then read it again.  Then . . .

– Paul Abbott

Saturday, September 24, 2011

2 Peter 1 – Hidden Dangers

A wise person once said it’s often more important to be reminded than to be instructed.

This is what Peter emphasizes at the start of his letter—that we are to actively remember the truths that have marked us as Christ-followers (vs. 12-15).  So what does this look like for you and me, in this church?  It means learning how to see and savor the holiness found in our routines:

Sharing that bread and cup of Communion as a way to remember what has already been done.
“It is finished”

Showing up ready to worship as we put great and familiar words on our tongues.
“You are mighty to save”

Re-reading that passage of Scripture so it might leave its mark on our hearts.
“Take my mind, transform it”

Repeating that prayer until we mean it.
“Your will be done"

Giving that tenth of what we earn back to God to remind ourselves that life is a gift.
“All I have is Yours”

Reuben Smith