Saturday, April 23, 2011

1 Chronicles 17 – God’s House

David has a plan: he dreams of building God an impressive house to show his great devotion.

God has another plan.  David’s heart may be in the right place, but to realize this dream the Lord has someone else in mind better suited for the task. 

Then God one-ups David. “Oh no,” he says, “You’re not gonna build me a house; just watch me build you a house… and with it a kingdom that will last forever!”

How do you respond to this over-the-top favor from God?  What can you say?  What can any of us say?

Once again, David gives us the words.  “Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?” (vs. 16)

We hear David offer a similar prayer to God in Psalm 16:6:

“The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.”

If, like me, you’ve ever struggled for words in God’s presence, consider committing one of these passages to memory, so our hearts might beat for God like the one who penned them.


1 comment:

  1. Interesting to see David's sudden zeal to build a temple which seems like a good thing to do. Then to see Nathan get the word that David was not to build it but his son would do it. David seems to submit to that new plan so well.

    You pulled out an interesting perspective on this, Reuben. Thanks.

    I'm getting a little ahead of things but when the temple was finally built and they had their first worship there a physical cloud (God) filled the room and they couldn't continue. What a sight to behold! I guess the service went a little over the scheduled time that day. Wow.
