Friday, April 29, 2011

Psalm 139 – David’s Spiritual Secret

A wise man once said: "Two things I know for sure in this life, there is a God and I am not him".  It never ceases to amaze me; especially here in American where knowledge is king, how much we want to figure out God.  We seem determined to answer all the questions and in a sense, put God in a box.  When I read Psalm 139 it seems one thing that David figured out over the years was that God was not something he could totally understand.  And what I love most about reading this chapter is that not only did David come to that realization, but also he seemed to have to come to peace with that fact and was in awe of a God that he could not completely comprehend. 
And at least for me, depending on the day, that is the difficult part.  There are days where I am more than fine with living in the tension of not being able to figure God out.  Fine living in the peace that comes from trusting God even when I can't understand it.  Then there are the other days, where frustration sets in and I just want to know.  I want to know what God is doing; I want to know the big picture.  Days where I lose sight of the fact that He has it all figured out for me.  Days I forget that I was "fearfully and wonderfully made" and that God's "works are wonderful".  In my frustrating search for clear and understandable answers, I forget to rest in who God made me to be!
What about you, ever lose sight of how wonderfully you were made by God?

Mathew McCabe


  1. Yes, unfortunately pretty routinely. Always wishing I could be more like this person or like that person. Wanting to be a better "me". Forgetting that although God wants me to be more like Him, He loves "me" just the way I am. I am happy to let God be God, but I sure would like a peek at the overall plan once in awhile. However, I realize that knowing isn't trusting and trusting Him is where God wants me.

  2. It all goes back to the first sin I guess. Knowledge is power! Perhaps if one of us really was given the gift to figure God out that person would get all prideful, write a book, be invited by Oprah to join her club, may be get a movie produced, and on and on. When temptation comes knocking, when I question God's perfect design, His infinite knowledge and purpose, I find peace in repeating Michael W. Smith's words: "Back off satan, I know who I am in Christ!"
