Thursday, June 23, 2011

Esther 4: A Race's Survival

Molly and I went and saw the “Green Lantern” movie on Monday night. Without giving too much of the plot away, let me just say that the themes of fear and courage intertwine throughout the entire movie.

We find those same two themes woven through the book of Esther. As we come to chapter four, Mordecai informs Queen Esther that plans have been put in place to exterminate the Jewish people. The Jews held no real power in this Persian kingdom – politically, economically, or militarily – they were more or less helpless to do anything to thwart Haman’s wicked scheme.

Consider Esther's options - she could have:
  • Given in to despair and hopelessness
  • Taken steps to save herself without any concern for others
  • Sat back and done nothing and waited for God to fix everything
  • Risked everything by acting – trusting that God would use her to deliver her people.
Esther knew the risks. What she did not know was the outcome. But that uncertainty did not prevent her from acting. She was absolutely committed to doing what was right despite the possible consequences. Hear the courage in her voice when she says, “And if I perish, I perish.”

If Esther had not acted, would her people have survived? Once again, we are reminded that God works through those who choose to trust in him and ACT on that trust… releasing the outcome to him.

In hindsight, it is easy to see that God placed Esther where he wanted her for “such a time as this” (14). Where has God placed you these days? Do you ever find yourself tempted to remain silent rather than stand up for what is right? Remember Esther’s example – commit to do what is right and leave the outcome in God’s hands. 

Ken Jackson

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