Friday, June 17, 2011

Ezra 3: Home at Last

I was reminded as we have been reading the Old Testament in the One80 and as I was teaching my Bible as Story class this week just how up and down the story of the Nation of Israel was.  Things are good, things fall apart, things are dark, God rescues them and brings light once again.  It is like riding a roller coaster.  This past week we have spent some time in the book of Daniel which takes place at a time where the Nation of Israel is being help captive by Babylon and Persia.  So a bit of a down turn in the nations history.  And then today we jump to Ezra and once again God is brightening things up and the nation is on the upswing again.  In chapter one of Ezra it speaks of how the Lord moved the heart of King Cyrus of Persia to build the Temple of God once again.  So he releases the captives and send them back to the Promisland, back to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple.
And here in Chapter 3 the alter is built again so they can once again make sacrifices to worship the one true God.  And they did.  And the foundations of the entire Temple are laid! Those old enough to remember the original Temple wept.  But those born in captivity and disconnected from what it once was and even the pain and suffering that took place to get where they are today, they rejoiced.  Either way they were passionate in what they felt since they "made a great noise" and "were heard from far away".

I couldn't help but be struck by the starting over nature of this part of the nations history.  Things had unraveled from what God wanted for the nation in the first place due to some unfortunate decisions by the nation of Israel.  And yet because of God's faithfulness they are having the opportunity to start once again, for like the millionth time.  Made me remember how many times God has allowed me to "start over" after things have come unraveled in my life due to stupid mistakes and stepping away from His plan for me.

Thank God today that if things are falling apart in your life, God has a plan for you to "start over" again with him.  He is faithful.  A fact I am overwhelmed by this day.

Mathew McCabe

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