Saturday, July 2, 2011

Isaiah 55 - The End of it All

There are those moments.

Moments when all our trails and burdens fade to the edges, and refreshment comes rushing back just when it's needed most.

Here, in our final chapter before closing the book on the Old Testament, we read verse after verse awash in tides of grace... Come, all who are thirsty, come to the waters... you who have no money... Our God... he will freely pardon... and you will delight in the richest fare...

Wave upon wave.  Washing memories of unpaid debts away with the tides.  In these moments, you look out past the edges and grace is all you can see - wide as the sky, outlasting the horizon.  Troubles may have brought you here, but for a great and wonderful moment, they are overwhelmed at the shores of grace.  God's promises crash into our world, and we remember what we've believed all along.  That somehow, it's all going to be okay.  God's got this one covered - he's picked up the tab.  The end of it all is just a new beginning.  The best is yet to come.

And it's all true.  The best is yet to come... God's finest work has been saved for the second act.  Don't put The Book down now, the best part is just ahead...


  1. Just as we close out the old testament today, we begin the new testament and new adventure on Monday.

    The same holds true in our current day to day life. Our past (the good and bad) is now behind us, and tomorrow we begin the first day of the rest of our lives. I pray we all begin each day putting God first, before we even think about the issues of the day...And you will delight in the richest fare.

  2. Elegant. With layers of meaning. Loved this, Reuben
