I think worrying about tomorrow is something that is born in most humans. We worry what people will think of our clothes at work. We worry how we are going to pay for this or that. We worry about our house being clean when company is coming over (that one is for my wife), but Jesus tells us in this chapter that life is more than food and money. That if the birds of the air and the flowers of the field have been taken care of then how much more will God take care of us.
I know for me especially with my money, it is so much harder not to worry, because of the consequences of things not getting paid. I mean if I don't pay the car note...."they" will come and take it. If I don't pay my rent, my landlord will kick me out. There have been times that I have worried myself sick over how Sherra and I would be able to pay all our bills, and those times have put a major strain on us and our family.
When I hear Jesus say, "who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?" It makes me think how silly worrying can be. What Jesus is saying here to me is that worrying is not going to make money grow trees. It's not going to make the bill collectors disappear, so why worry. Again easier said than done right?? But, the truth is Jesus is REALLY telling us to put our trust in him, and not the things of this earth. He is saying not to worry, because the things of the world are fleeting and will disappear, but the Kingdom of God will go on forever.
My prayer for you and for me is that we all put our finances in the hands of the Lord and trust He will make way, and stop worrying about the things that will pass away.
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