Saturday, September 17, 2011

2 Timothy 2 – Final Words

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to meet an Iranian couple, Javid & Mina Nevisa.  They were two modern day people who—like the early believers we read about in the New Testament—had experienced overwhelming persecution for their faith in Christ, but who had also seen God’s miraculous work up close.  (A complete account of Javid & Mina’s story is told in a book called, “Miracle of Miracles.”  If you enjoy gripping narrative non-fiction, you can find their story here.)  Just being in their presence was a moving experience, knowing all they had endured for the sake of the gospel.

After I was introduced to Javid as someone who taught children about Jesus, Javid marched up and embraced me like I was family.  He then pulled back, clasped me by both shoulders and looked me squarely in the eyes.  “Stay strong in the Lord!” were his final words to me.

These are the moments when you tell yourself, “Yes.  I want to be one of the faithful ones”—one of the soldiers who can be counted on, the athlete who plays by the rules, the farmer who works the land he’s been given.  It’s a prayer we often share as a ministry team circled up before kids arrive each Sunday: “God, we want to be useful to you here.”

This passage challenges us to do our part to present ourselves to God as one approved (vs 15):

“Those who cleanse themselves from the [status quo] will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” –2 Timothy 2:21

Stay strong in the Lord!

Reuben Smith

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