This entire chapter is an absolute gem - packed with divine wisdom and insight. There is so much here that I could highlight that would relate to the idea of 'walking our talk.' But, I would draw your attention to one very important truth that is tucked away in the very last verse (27). Please look at this verse again.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this..."
If there is a "religion" (or faith) that God accepts as pure and faultless, it would be somewhat logical to conclude that there must also be an approach to religion that God finds unacceptable. Which begs the question, what kind of religion is it that God accepts? Don't we all want to be clear on that? James summarizes much of Scripture with just nineteen words:
" look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Compassion AND personal purity... not compassion OR personal purity. It is not to be either/or - it is to be both/and. Too many churches in America today act as though only one of these two really matter - some emphasize social justice and compassion ministry above all else while others emphasize that personal holiness and piety is what really counts with God.
Both are right - and both are wrong. The church needs to be on the front lines in our society demonstrating God's heart for the poor and those in distress. But we also need to be very serious about personal ethics and morality - because our holiness also reveals and demonstrates God's heart and desires.
I am very grateful to be in a church that is pursuing both sides of this compassion/purity coin. I know that we do not do this perfectly, but I also know that their are lots of folks in this church deeply committed to living out James' instruction in verse 27.
What is one small step you may be able to take this week to be a both/and kind of Christian?
Ken Jackson
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