Saturday, March 26, 2011

Exodus 20 - Ten Commandments

Some hold up the Ten Commandments as God’s highest standard, but in reality, the bar here is set pretty low.  I mean—really—here’s what God is basically telling us to do:

“Can you not take each other’s stuff?”
“Can you just not kill anybody, please?”
“Can you just worship the one real God and ignore the fake ones?”
“Can you two just build up your own marriage and not tear down someone else’s?”

And yet, even so, none of us can keep them all.  And James 2:10 says, “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”

Check out how the apostle Paul unpacks this for us in Romans 8.

Reuben Smith

1 comment:

  1. The commandments are set in stone written for us to follow. We should; as noted above, be able to follow these basic rules of life. Yet, born as sinners we have and will fail from time to time.

    God has made it easier for us (as christians) to follow these rules; with the Holy spirit living within us, he quickly reminds us when we are NOT doing what we are commanded to do.

    Some people call it thier conscience, I call it the presence of the Holy Spirit.
