Friday, March 25, 2011

Miracle at the Red Sea – Exodus 14

“Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, leave us alone, let us serve the Egyptians”.  Sometimes we become so comfortable, we don’t want to know what else is possible.  Even wen we are not in the greatest of circumstances, we get used to it, it is a known quantity.  And the way out, or what might lay ahead for us, it is just so unknown that we are just happy to stay where we are.  The Israelites were in slavery in a foreign land, and yet they wanted to stay put rather than follow Moses out of there current circumstances and into the unknown. 

I have to admit, that sounds oh so familiar.  How often are we satisfied with our current circumstances, and like the Israelites, we say “leave me alone, I’m good”.  If we do that, what could we be missing out on?  If the Israelites had stuck with that, they would have missed out on the miracle at the Red Sea, not to mention the Promise Land! 

What could we be missing?  Are we willing to “fear not” and let the Lord lead us, through potentially scary situations, to get to where He wants us to be?  To live into everything he has for us.

Mathew McCabe


  1. It's always so much easier to look at a Bible story and say to yourself, I would never have done this or that, than to examine our own life where we are doing exactly the same thing!

  2. So true Christine. it is so easy to look at Biblical stories in print and think "I would never..." but the truth is that we have no idea. It sure is easy to conquer a nation, win a Superbowl or live a righteous life... from the safety of our recliner or from behind our keyboard.

    I think it all comes down to selfishness, fear, laziness and sin. Those are the things that keep us from embracing God's potential in our personal lives. I struggle with all of them on a daily basis. It is much easier to go about my routine than to stop and truly care about a coworker or neighbor.

  3. When you became a christian and turned your life over to God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, did you know exactly what changes were coming in your life?

    I believe there are so many people who never ask Christ in thier life; because, they feel they are alright and "want to be left alone". They are scared of change even if it is for good. Maybe they fear God will then hold them accountable for their actions? The reasons are endless.

    I can only speak for myself by saying "having faith in Crist and knowing he is my savior has me headed to the promise land" If I stayed in my little world (my safe zone), and did not follow a "Moses" figure to be introduced to Christ, this life we live would have been wasted.

    Thank you Lord for those who gave me a hand and guided me to you.

  4. The artist Sara Groves captures this passage so perfectly in her song, Painting Pictures of Egypt. I highly recommend it!

    "It’s not about losing faith
    It’s not about trust
    It’s all about comfortable
    When you move so much
    The place I was wasn’t perfect
    But I had found a way to live
    It wasn’t milk or honey
    But then neither is this

    I’ve been painting pictures of Egypt
    Leaving out what it lacked
    The future seems so hard
    And I want to go back
    But the places that used to fit me
    Cannot hold the things I've learned
    And those roads closed off to me
    While my back was turned..."
