Saturday, March 19, 2011

Genesis 37 - Family Battles

From time to time, over in our children’s ministry, we’ll bust out the dominoes to help illustrate the all-important principle of cause and effect.  After reading this passage, it sounds like these guys could’ve used some dominoes…

Just watch them fall.  Isaac lets himself pick a favorite son; Joseph’s ego swells, and so does his brothers’ resentment.  Joseph boasts about his position; his family splinters.  His brothers act out by attacking him; they cover their tracks with lies and deception.  Their father falls into depression... And still the dominoes fall.

What effects are you seeing in your own family?  Can you trace this back to a cause?  Is God asking you to break this chain of dominoes by living out His grace in the details?  If we doubt he can use us to redeem the worst situations, we’d better keep reading; Joseph’s story is not over yet!  And neither is yours...

Reuben Smith


  1. Why are Israel and Jacob used interchangeably? (v.3)

  2. " If we doubt he can use us to redeem the worst situations, we’d better keep reading; Joseph’s story is not over yet!"

    What hope this gives. Thank you Reuben for this reminder!!

  3. Janet - after Jacob had "wrestled with God" in Genesis 32, God formally changed his name from "Jacob" to "Israel" (Genesis 32:28).
