Friday, June 3, 2011

Jeremiah 38 - Prophets Perils

I have been chewing on this idea about “choosing” recently.
It seems that in my day-to-day life I have to consciously choose happiness, joy, and other such attitudes that are needed for certain situations in my life.
Therefore, While reading through this chapter, the word “choose” automatically stuck out in my head.
“Jeremiah replied, “You won’t be handed over to them if you choose to obey the Lord, your life will be spared, and all will go well for you.” –verse 20
I am not going to pretend that I know exactly what the theological implications of this chapter reveal; however, I confident that the Lord has called me to choose certain things in my life. For Zedekiah it was the choice between surrendering and fighting. I am sure that was a difficult decision!
Choosing the Lord is not always the easiest or does it make sense in the moment. But I am choosing to put my hope in the Lord because he is good and all will be beautiful in His time. What will you choose on this glorious Friday?
With love,
Charity Harlan


  1. yay!!! Charity is here! Choices. Minute by minute on some days. Thankful that God is in control of my life, cause my choices sometimes require much fine tuning. So glad you're on board Charity. Cedarbrook church office is a better place because you're there. Love you girl!

    Molly Jackson

  2. Charity, welcome to the blog! Glad you're here

  3. Sorry, I am a bit behind... but, Charity, I loved your blog. I love your insights, I love your humility, I love your passion for our savior, and I love you!! After years of being a Godly role model for all my kids (and me too!), you are finally official Cedarbrook staff! Hurray!!
