Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Philemon - A Personal Favor

Are you the kind of person who "refreshes the hearts of the Lord's people"?

I was blown away as I read this passage at the kind words that Paul had for Philemon.  Now I understand that Paul was about to ask for a favor and so there could have been a little "buttering up" involved here.  Although from what I know of the Apostle Paul, he seems like a guy who shoots it pretty straight.

Could you imagine reading these words...from the Apostle you!  "your love has given me great joy and encouragement".  How stinkin proud would you be to have that said about you?  I know I would be beaming.

Immediately following thinking of how I might feel if someone said that about me, I started thinking...what kind of person do I need to be today so that could be said of me.  What kind of things should I be doing today to "refresh the hearts of the Lord's people"?  What kind of things shouldn't I be doing?  As I contemplated this, a few simple thoughts came to my mind.  Maybe I could begin each day with a simple prayer asking that I could "refresh" someone today.  Maybe before speaking, or doing anything, I should ask myself the question:  will this refresh hearts?  What if that was a simple guiding principal by which I lived each day.

If I could accomplish this I think my life would look much different on many days.

Maybe if we all could do this, all our lives would be different.

And maybe, just maybe, if we could all do this, more people would be "refreshed".

With God's help, let it be!

Mathew McCabe
(blogging for Gina G as she is away on a much deserved vacay!!)

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