Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Genesis 3 - The Crash

I’m still reflecting on the worship time we had on Sunday morning and all that God stirred in my heart. I’m not sure about you, but I have a tendency to get so caught up in life and all that is going on or needs to get done, that I can easily lose sight of truth. I doubt. I get distracted. I forget.

As I was reading Genesis 3, I kept coming back to verse one.  It says: “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Satan was so subtle as he tempted Eve to distrust God and the truth of His word. She quickly believed the lies and forgot what God had spoken. How could she do that? I would never do such a thing.

But as we sang “You Are For Me” on Sunday, I realized I do exactly that. I believe lies. I don’t always trust. I’m too busy to think about the things that I’ve let creep into my heart. I rush through my time in the Word and don’t remember the truth that God has spoken. Yikes.

Have Satan’s lies subtly crept into your life or are you trusting God and standing on His truth?

As we kick off the One80 this week, I’m excited for us to slow down, dig deeper into God’s word, listen to His voice, and let truth transform our lives.

-Gina G.

1 comment:

  1. This format of reading the bible and discussing it each day is powerful. Our challenge will be to remain faithful to the readings yet more important to mediate and apply the Word in our daily walk/culture.
    Verse 2 uses the word "saw", this is the 1st step often to sin. I know the daily struggle to look the other way. In 2 Timothy we are told to run away from evil thoughts. Our culture tells us to embrace them.
    Verse 12 shows us how the man "blame shifts" his sin to the women. How often do i do this daily?
    My prayer for us all is to be strong to the worldly sins that creep into our lives and to be strong enough to flee the trappings. this freedom is only found in God's loving word.
