Thursday, March 31, 2011

Open Mutiny - Numbers 14

Hebrews 11:6 says "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." In today's reading, we see this kind of God-pleasing faith fleshed-out in the lives of two men: Joshua and Caleb. I love these guys. I love their passion for God and I love their willingness to speak up for God and trust in him in the face of overwhelmingly difficult circumstances.

In the first several verses, we find groupthink at its worse. Based on the negative report from ten of the twelve spies sent to scout out the land that God had promised them, "all of the Israelites" turned on Moses and Aaron. Picture the scene - at the very least - this is thousands and thousands of people who are VERY loudly rebelling against what God had said. These very same people had just recently seen and experienced God's power and miracles and deliverance... but even with that, it seems as through their faith had a "but" attached to it. As in, "Sure I know that God promised this land to us, BUT have you seen the size of the people/armies/cities there?!? Let's just pack it in and go back to Egypt."

Joshua and Caleb would have none of that. Their faith had no "buts." Reread verses 7-9. What do you see there? Do you think these two men were ignorant of the obstacles that awaited them in the land? Do you think they were just naively optimistic and in denial of reality? What you see in these verses are not so much two men who had big faith - but two men who had faith in a big God. They knew what God had promised, and they were ready and willing to act on it.

Let's keep our faith away from our buts... and keep it focused on our big God who will ALWAYS do what he says, even if everyone around us thinks (and says) otherwise.

- Ken Jackson

1 comment:

  1. I have always struggled with faith in general. I believe God can do it (for others) but when it comes to me I am skeptical. When someone says they were cured from cancer by the Lord I don't doubt it at all. When someone says they are praying that I will get over a simple cold though my instant response (in my head) is "Yea, right. Sure."

    It helps me to read (and reread) stories of faith like this in the OT and NT chapters like Hebrews 11. I need to grow in this area a lot. I am not sure why I am like this but I think it might be linked to my own personal pride. When I was younger I assumed that "one day" I would arrive spiritually but now I see that it is more like a lifelong process. Faith like Joshua and Caleb challenges me.
