Friday, April 1, 2011

Dueteronomy 4 – Never Forget

The story of the nation of Isreal is the story of people with a horrible memory.    So often when reading or teaching from the story of the Old Testement I get crazy frustrated.  God miraculously protects them from Pharaoh and his army on the way out of Egypt.  He miraculously parts the Red Sea for them to cross.  And shortly after that, they complain and doubt His ability to get them water and food.  God was constantly asking them to remember. Jacob set up a pillar of rocks in the spot where he realized “God was in this place and I was unaware” so that he would remember.  A little forward in history and the nation will set up piles of rocks after crossing the Jordan to remember God’s power and goodness.  We must remember!  All of biblical history reminds us and shows us God’s goodness towards mankind.  But on a more personal level, our own history can speak volumes to God’s provision and goodness in our lives.  It can, as long as we remember it.  As long as the times of His miraculous provision for us, the times of His powerful protection of us, stay in our memories.  Or will we forget like in the story we are reading (Cross Red Sea on DRY ground…3 days later grumbling because they doubt God can provide water for them)?

What do you need to remember?  Would love to hear some great stories of God’s provision, protection, and all around goodness in our lives.  Share your stories.  It will help us all remember.

Mathew McCabe

1 comment:

  1. God is so good I'll try posting again: I scrolled down to read all the stories of God's goodness and saw "0 comments":( It's sad but true that we are quick to complain and focus on the negative. God is Good!

    My first thought is that God gave me and my husband a daughter, who we named Grace because of his goodness to us (I mean, God brought us together and saved us from ourselves; our sin-there is nothing greater!) Then God blessed us with a son who we named Joseph, which we learned meant, "God increases". We do have a 'big God' who fills our lives with goodness and blessing each day if we chose to focus on it! "God increases" in our lives the more we chose to let him in...
