Thursday, April 28, 2011

Psalm 51: True Confession

Over the last three-plus decades of my life, I have lost track of the number of times I have found myself coming back again (and again and again) to this psalm. And I fully expect to continue praying this psalm on a regular basis for the rest of my life. Why? Because I need it -- I continue to sin. I need to confess that sin. And I need to remember (again and again) that I offer this prayer of confession to a wonderfully merciful God.

Look at how David piles on synonyms: he writes of God’s “mercy”, “unfailing love”, and “great compassion.” When seeking forgiveness, he asks God to “blot out”, “wash”, and “cleanse.” When describing how he has offended God, he speaks of his “transgressions”, “iniquity”, and “sin.”

This psalm provides me better words than I could ever come up with on my own to bring to God when I confess my sin. These words express what is most true about me (or at the very least, what I want to be most true about me) when I have offended God or another by something that I have done or left undone.

Verses 10 - 12 have always encouraged my soul. No matter how badly I have blown it, God stands ready, not only to forgive my sin, but also to restore me to relationship with him. This text gives voice to my desperate need for God to do in me what only he can do – “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

I really, really want to have a pure heart. I need God to create it within me. I cannot do it without him. What about you?

Ken Jackson


  1. This Psalm also touches the essence of who I am and my relationship with God. I am sinful from birth and only He can create the pure heart - not me and all of my trying ... and trying ... and trying. Oh that He would grant me a willing spirit to do His will today and tomorrow and forever. To truly understand that it is Him and Him alone that I daily sin against, what wisdom. May the words of this Psalm be deeply imprinted upon my soul.

  2. Good stuff, Ken

  3. Very well expressed, Ken. Whenever I read this Psalm I think, "Wow! This is me. I need this prayer."

  4. My favorite verse in this psalm has always been 12: "Restore to me the joy of your salvation…" -- how easy it becomes to allow myself to take my salvation for granted, to almost place it on the back burner of my mind as if it were no big deal. " …and sustain in me a willing spirit." -- strengthen me and make me eager to have such joy EVERY day.

  5. The pain of broken bones, heaviness of heart, deep sadness, regret... Willful sin has a way of ripping a believer's heart to shreds. When we can not find the words to confess, here is David with many written prayers ready for our saying! the darkness of willful sin just does not go well with Christ in me or being a Temple of the Holy Spirit. "Something I have done or LEFT UNDONE"... CONVICTING WORDS! Daily confession (Psalms or our own words) can be like a daily shower: If we neglect it, it can get stinky!
