Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Philippians 2 - Downward Mobility

We are called to humility, yet many days life finds us consumed with the unholy trinity of me, myself, and I. We grumble, complain, and lose sight of the higher calling God has placed on our lives. In the daily mundane of life I'm sometimes surprised at how quickly I fall into the ever unattractive focus on self.

Join me in my inner dialogue this morning as I ran a hilly five miles with a friend: "It's hot, I'm sweaty & tired, and I kinda hate this right now. These hills are brutal and I'm over it. I don't want to do this. Are we done yet?"

Me, me, and a little more me. It's ugly. It causes me to lose sight of those around me, the bigger picture, and that light I'm called to shine. Even in my thought life, I'm called to represent Christ well. Because what's on the inside eventually comes out. My prayer is that my heart would reveal a humble, grateful heart.

So as I look back on my run this morning I'm grateful for sunshine and the ability to run - even if it was a bit challenging. It's all about perspective. Might yours need some help today?

-Gina G.

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