Friday, July 15, 2011

Matthew 13 – Kingdom Tales

I had two friends in high school that basically changed my life. They were different. Their conversation had depth and were as profound as one can be when you are 16. I often found myself quietly sitting and soaking in all of their thoughts and opinions. When a heated topic about the Bible or Christianity came up, I usually said something like “what about having child like faith? Let’s not complicate that” or “is this really encouraging on another to love and good deeds if we are arguing?” (Hebrews 10:24)  I would make up this excuse because certain issues were too confusing and would require a great amount of effort to try and understand. 

Now as I read things that I do not understand, I ask for grace in my readings. Mystery is not scary, it is captivating. There is a great amount of thought and ideas that I do not fully understand when I read these vivid parables; however, with the help of the Lord and online commentaries, I am more confident in lack of knowledge.  
 As I read Matthew 13, I am struck with how it opposes my former way of thinking. The Kingdom of heaven is a hidden treasure and a precious pearl.  All these are things that need to be searched for wholeheartedly. Jesus is painting wonderful pictures for wheat, weeds, fish and nets. It’s a mystery to me logically. But like hidden treasure, I am going to try my hardest to seek after the things of His kingdom. I love the visuals.  

What do these parables say to you? What mysteries have been revealed through his word? What are you searching for wholeheartedly? 

Charity Harlan.


  1. Great insight Miss Charity!
    The mystery revealed to me has been that of God's redeeming love. It is truly inconceivable and indescribable that the creator of the universe could so love a wretch like me. Another one brings back yesterday's reading:
    For your Father knows what you need before you ask him… Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
    Matthew 6:8, 34
    Practical example:
    11 years ago, when Bella was still a toddler,
    I had just bought my first brand new little honda. I headed home one evening after a church event and was getting her out of the car-seat when two men opened the front doors of my car, demanding the keys. In fear of them taking my baby away or hurting her I cried out loud: Jesus help me! Jesus help me! Not even 2 seconds passed and 2 police cars pulled into our condominium parking area. I immediately shouted for help. Even though the creeps tried to tell the cops they were "with me", it was obvious they were lying. I know without any doubts that God knew my needs and what was about to happen even before I cried out to Him. He had sent help BEFORE help was needed. Now, isn't that a beautiful mystery how He cares for our needs even before the need is real!!!!
    Forever thankful!

  2. Charity, I have heard myself using the exact same "arguments" you used! It was neat to read a better way to approach such conversations, thank you :)

    And Edi, I had no idea! WOW.
