Friday, May 20, 2011

2 Chronicles 20: Meanwhile in Jerusalem

Much of the time in the history of Israel as a divided nation is pretty tough reading, as evidenced from yesterday's reading about the exile of northern tribes by Israel because they just could not listen and get back on track.  All the prophets no avail.
But there were moments of awakening, moments where they came to their senses.  The deck was stacked against the nation of Judah.  Armies amassing against them, ready to take them down.  King Jehoshaphat learns of this and calls the nation to a day of fasting and praying.  A king calling his people back to the Lord!  And the result?  They didn't even have to fight the armies.  The marched out singing "Give thanks to the Lord, His love endures forever".  The result was the surrounding nations were afraid to mess with the people of God.  Jehoshaphat and Judah were at peace.

Is the deck stacked against you?  Not sure how you are going to navigate the "things" that are closing in around you?  Maybe a day of fasting and praying is in order.  And while you are at it, maybe a little singing "Give thanks to the Lord, His love endures forever.


  1. When it is tougher to stand in my faith, when all around my world seems to crumble, when depression pulls me down and drags me in the mud of discouragement, when not even my soul mate truly knows how much it hurts, when it is easier to join me and myself in my cave of despair... You come to me my Jesus, you call me friend, You lift my face, you put a song in my heart, you, my faithful God, remind me that the battle is yours! You remind me that you alone satisfy the deepest of my needs. Forever, and ever...

  2. Thanks for the Music link and adding such fun to morning Bible study.
    Was it Robin (Batman - the boy wonder) who exclaimed - "Jumping Jehoshaphat!" .....and Jehoshaphat who prayed....
    "For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on YOU."

  3. It's funny how you can read something on Thursday and then again on Tuesday and how it means something entirely different. Edi, I loved your comment. Thank you for sending me back to this scripture.
