Friday, May 27, 2011

Nahum 1: Enemy Justice

About a 100 years after the time of Jonah and here is Nineveh in the news again.  And once again, the news is not good.  The first go around they were so wicked that Jonah tried to run away from God so he wouldn't have to go and be a prophet to them.  And here we go again, wicked to the core and now once again according to Nahum, the Lords anger is against Nineveh.  As you read this chapter it becomes vividly clear, the new is not good for Nineveh!  God is angry and is planning the "end" of Nineveh.  Nahum's description of this anger stirs up some healthy fear in myself that is for sure.  It is not really the way we like to think about God (all warm and fuzzy and cuddly), but clearly God feels like something significant needs to happen for as far from God as they fallen, and that something sounds very unpleasant.  And in the midst of this description Nahum throws in verse 7 (which seems out of place in this particular chapter of anger).  "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble, He cares for those who trust in him."  An amazing contrast of his anger and his goodness.  It's "he cares for those who trust him" compared to“although they have allies and are numerous, they will be destroyed and pass away."

Maybe if I could keep the words from Nahum 1 in my mind more often, when I am faced with a situation to walk in God's ways or rebel against it, maybe that will become more of a "no brainer" decision instead of the struggle it far to often is.  I pray the same for us all!

Mathew M

1 comment:

  1. This chapter really is a great reminder of God's power.

    As I read: "His way is in the whirlwind and the storm,and clouds are the dust of his feet. He rebukes the sea and dries it up; he makes all the rivers run dry."

    And then: "Although they have allies and are numerous,they will be destroyed and pass away."

    ... my mind went to the recent tornadic destruction in the midwest and how sudden and massively powerful those twisters leveled entire towns. It is awesome to know that these things are nothing compared to His power. They are just small samples. The destruction is sad and I do not wish to take away from that fact but it is also a reminder to me just how much power God really has.

    I have some friends who are so afraid of the Mideast crises, the destructive power of Islam and what it might mean for Israel, Jews or Christians. I find a lot of peace in knowing that the Lord of all is still in control and the face of an entire nation can change in mere minutes. Just look at Japan just a month ago...
