Thursday, May 5, 2011

Proverbs 10: One-Liners defines the word “contrast” thusly: to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; note the opposite natures, purposes, etc.” As we work our way through today’s chapter, we discover a series of five important contrasts being placed before us:
  1. laziness versus diligence
  2. shame versus honor
  3. poverty versus wealth
  4. wise speech versus destructive speech
  5. righteousness versus wickedness
This chapter is filled with statements that paint a contrast for us between those that follow God’s ways and those who do not. But, to understand them properly, we have to remember that these proverbs are not intended to apply universally to every person in every situation.

As my wife Molly was reading verse 3 this morning, she wondered aloud, “What does this mean? There are righteous people that go hungry… and sometimes the wicked get what they want.” And she is absolutely right. The proverbs that we read in this book were never intended to be absolute promises, but general truths.

Over and over again, the writers of Proverbs want us to see the general truth that the life of one who follows after God is better in the long run than the life of the one who ignores God and chooses to go his or her own way. And that is a truth that we can base our lives on.

There is a tremendous amount of practical wisdom to be found in these thirty-two “one-liners.” Read them again carefully; what wisdom or truth might God be saying to you through this text today?

Ken Jackson

1 comment:

  1. I can see Molly's point. Proverbs teaches that we can live well with a good work ethic and a righteous heart, yet it's hard to see today's world that way. I think it means that if we all live our best life, then the big picture will be better than if we don't.
