Thursday, May 26, 2011

2 Chronicles 32: Battlefield Lessons

As the curtain goes up on today’s chapter, the people of Judah are facing another crisis. The ruthless and virtually undefeatable army of Assyria is on their way to conquer Judah. It is against this backdrop that we see Judah’s king Hezekiah exhibit tremendous leadership.

Confronted with the terrifying prospect of an Assyrian invasion, Hezekiah personifies the old adage about ‘working as if everything depends on you and praying as if everything depends on God.’ His people desperately needed godly leadership, and Hezekiah provides it. Observe the things that he does to deal with the impending crisis:
  • Verse 3: “he consulted with his officials and military staff…” He sought the counsel and help of others. He literally rallied the troops. He had lots of “buy in” from the men he was leading.
  • Verse 5: “he worked hard repairing all the broken sections of the wall…” Hezekiah did not lead from far above the people; he did not tell them to do things that he would never be willing to do personally. He worked hard right alongside the people he was leading. Imagine the impact that this had on his followers.
  • Verse 7, 8: “And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah said…”  Hezekiah defined reality for those that were following him. They were afraid because of all that they were hearing and seeing, but Hezekiah reminded them that there was a “greater power with us than with him." 
  • Verse 20: “King Hezekiah… cried out in prayer to heaven about this…” Even with everything that he had done for his people, Hezekiah knew that they were still in over their heads. They needed God to act – so he cried out and asked him to act.
Great stuff! Is there anything that you are facing in your life right now that feels overwhelming? Follow Hezekiah’s example – do everything that you can do to deal with the situation and trust God for the outcome.

Ken Jackson


  1. Good insights into the leadership skills of Hezekiah. Good leaders are too few and throughout the Bible (and common history) we see SOOOO many lessons of good and bad leaders. It is a profound lesson to fully be able to grasp the concept that ONE person can change a nation. It's actually staggering to realize that when you look at the modern day USA where Obama seems helpless as did GW Bush... one man really made little difference.

    It is so incredible though when God puts that right man/woman in the right place at the right time and moves through them. Entire nations can change. Powerful stuff and good example, Ken.

  2. I came back to this again tonight Ken to add some of your thoughts to my journal. I really like your writing style :)

    Although I must say when I read the line that said something to the affect of, "Is there anything you are facing in life that feels overwhelming…" I'd like to meet the person who can say no. My life always seems tumultuous!

  3. I re-visited this as well and I agree with Audrey. Your writing style makes lessons easy to absorb. Thanks Ken! (I bet you had a great English teacher somewhere on your path) This story of Hezikiah reminds me of something my Dad used to say, "Trust in God...but tie your Camel" (or lock your car) Prepare with all you have but PRAY - ultimately PRAY for deliverance! Julia Schneider
