Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jeremiah 2 - National Adultery

In this chapter there are so many verses that connect to me and convict me.

The one I want to land on today is verse 13,  My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water." 

Wow what an amazing illustration!! Israel had not only completely forgotten God, but they had built gods that were worthless and EMPTY, like a broken cistern.

How many times have I consciously done that to God? How many times have I tried to fill my life with things that were small "g" gods, and they led to emptiness? To be open and real, I have made sports, relationships, popularity, music, money, and leading worship all a god at some point in my life. 

What is so strange to me is how easily Israel forgot God. How they completely forgot how he delivered them from Egypt. How He parted the Red Sea for their freedom.  How He gave them the Promise Land. How he made their country the most powerful nation under King David and King Solomon. And yet, in this nation's entire existence they have always found excuses to build false gods.

What is so strange to me is how easily WE forget about God. How we completely forget how he delivers us from sin and bondage. How He tore away the veil for our freedom. How He gives us a Promise Land, called the church. That we live in the most powerful nation on earth. And yet, most of our existence we have found excuses to build false gods.

It maybe too late for Israel, but it's not too late for you and I. Let's cast down our idols at his feet, and let's surrender to a God that can make our cisterns full and overflowing!!


1 comment:

  1. Still focused on yesterday's reading...
    (Where is Paul's blog?)
    The justice of God Almighty, the way His eyes look over the earth in search of the righteous, listening for their cries...YOUNG king Josiah, completely following the ways of his ancestor David, found conviction in the written WORD and cried out to God. Because he humbled himself and cried out for God to show mercy, because his heart was responsive to the WORD of God and he wept in His presence, God heard him and promised him PEACE... We shall continue to pray for the PEACE of JERUSALEM!
